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Biewer, G. et al (2015): Bildung mit Behinderungen. Final presentation of project results. 31st of January 2015 in Vienna, Austria. (Flyer)


Schiemer, M./ Yeshitla, M. (2014): Final Results of the CLASDISA Project. Presentation held at the Ethiopian Ministry of Education, 3rd of December 2014 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Proyer, M./Sriwanyong S. (2014): Findings from the Collaborative Project CLASDISA. Presentation held at the Faculty of Education at SWU, 1st of August 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

Proyer, M. (presenting), Sriwanyong, S. (2014): Children with Disabilities in Bangkok – Challenges to Educational Inclusion in a Transiting Urban Area. Presentation held at the APERA/HKERA Conference, 20th of November 2014, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

Proyer, M. (2014): Der Umweg zum Glücklichen Leben - Bildungsumwelten von Kindern mit Behinderungen im Großraum Bangkok. Presentation held @ ie.talks, 5th of November 2014, University of Vienna

Proyer, M. (2014): Die Inklusion, die ich meine - Transkulturalität als Herausforderung für eine inklusive Forschungspraxis. Presentation held as part of a symposium at the 49. Arbeitstagung der Dozent/innen der Sonderpädagogik deutschsprachiger Länder. 26th of September 2014, HU Berlin

Proyer, M. (presenting), Sriwanyong, S. (2014): Findings from the Collaborative Project CLASDISA. Presentation held in Thai language at a symposium hosted by the Thai Ministry of Education, 23rd of September, 2014, Bangkok, Thailand. Details in Thai Language

Sriwanyong, S. (presenting), Proyer, M. (2014): Bangkok-Based Findings from the Comparative Project CLASDISA – International Perspectives on Challenges for Inclusive Education in Urban Areas. Presentation held at the 5th International Symposium on Special Education: Toward Full Inclusion Among ASEAN Countries, 23rd of September, Suan Dusit Rajabhat University

Proyer, M. (2014): Menschen mit Behinderungen rund um die Welt. Presentation held at Offene Uni, eine inklusive Veranstaltungsreihe der Universität Wien, 11th of June, Vienna. Details in German language

Proyer, M. (2014): Disability, Diversity and Gender - Some Introductory Points of Consideration. Presentation held at the Faculty of Education at SWU, 1st of August 2014, Bangkok, Thailand.

Proyer, M. (2014): International Perspectives on Difficulties Children with Disabilities Face Accessing Mainstream Schools in Bangkok. Presentation at the 9th biennal conference of the Comparative Education Society of Asia (CESA), 18th of Mai 2014, Hangzhou, China.

Proyer, M. (2014): Mixed Methods and Assessing the (Educational) Environments of Children with Disabilities in Bangkok. Presentation at the CSCR - International Symposium on Conducting Cross-Cultural, Cross-National Research in International Settings, 14th to 15th of January, 2014 @ Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok.


Proyer, M. (2013): Zur kulturellen und sozialen Bedingtheit von Faktoren, die die Bildungsumwelten von Kindern mit Behinderungen im Großraum Bangkok beeinflussen. Präsentation des Dissertationsvorhabens im Rahmen der Doktorand_innentagung "Aktuelle Fragestellungen und Methoden in der Empirischen Bildungsforschung", 8. November 2013, Universität Graz, Österreich.

Graf, E. O.; Kramann, M.; Wlodarcyk, S.; Proyer, M.; Reisenbauer, S.; Zahnd, R. (2013): Strukturierte Sitzung der  agru_int - Globale Perspektiven auf Behinderung. 6. Symposium Internationale  Heil- und Sonderpädagogik, 3. bis 5. Oktober 2013, LMU München

Kramann, M. (presenting)/Proyer, M. (presenting)/Schiemer, M. (2013): "Reflections on Voluntary Participation from a Three Country Perspective". Presentation held as part of the roundtable 'European Based International Research Co-operations in Inclusive/Special Needs Education - Challenges and Approaches' at the ECER 2013, September 10th -13th 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.

Proyer, M.: "Accepting Disability - Influence of Societal and Personal Coping Mechanisms on Educational Environments of Children with Disabilities in Greater Bangkok". Posterpresentation at the ECER 2013, September 10th -13th, Istandbul, Turkey.

Proyer, M.: "Thailand's move from a pity- to a rights-based understandig of disability - Wishful thinking, impossibility or realistic goal for policy implementation? Thoughts focusing on educational policy". Presentation held on Friday, August 22nd 2013 at the 3rd ICIRD Conference, 21st - 22nd of August 2013, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Proyer, M.: "Educational Environments of Children with Disabilities in Greater Bangkok. A Cross-Cultural Perspective on Societal and Cultural Barriers and Facilitators for Education in a Transitional Urban Area". Presentation held on Thursday, August 15th 2013 at the ENIS Scholarship Research Presentation organized by the Center for Thai Studies, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.

Proyer, M.: "Besuch in einer besonderen Schule. CLASDISA goes 'Kinderuni' II".  The CLASDISA - project (focus on Thailand) was presented to around 50 interested children during the ‘Summer University for Children’ at the University of Vienna, July 11th 2013, Vienna, Austria.

Proyer, M.: "Implementation of Disability Rights in Thailand - The Role of Social Movements and Individual Engagement". Presentation at the "7th EUROSEAS Conference", Part of the panel "Globalization of Legal Norms, Social Movements and Identity in Southeast Asia". Panel Convenors: Schaffar, W./Guth, R./Proyer,M., July 3rd 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.

Proyer, M.: "Biographische Gespräche mit Eltern von Kindern mit Behinderungen im Großraum Bangkok - Methodische Herausforderungen und Chancen". Poster presentation at the conference "Bildungswege zwischen Teilhabe und Ausgrenzung - Biographische Ansätze in Forschung und Praxis", May 30th - June 1st 2013, University of Vienna, Department of Education, Vienna, Austria.

Srinwanyong, S. (Srinakhrainwirot University, Bangkok)/Proyer, M. (University of Vienna): "CLASDISA - Classifications of Disabilities in the Field of Education in Different Societal and Cultural Contexts". Opening Lecture at the Research and Development in Special Education Conference - Focus on Mixed Methods at SWU, May 9th 2013, Bangkok, Thailand.

Proyer, M.: "Thailand's 'mega-flood' and its effects on the educational situation of children with disabilities in Bangkok". Presentation at the NERA Conference, March 8th 2013, Reyjkjavik, Iceland.


The Joint Australian Association for Research in Education and Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association Conference: World Education Research Association Focal Meeting - AARE – APERA 2012, University of Sydney, Australia, December 2-6, 2012

Symposium at WERA Focal Meeting “Implications of Cultural and Societal Aspects for Educational Environments of Children with Disabilities in Austria, Thailand and Ethiopia”
Chair: Gottfried Biewer (University of Vienna); Discussant: Ilektra Spandagou (University of Sydney)


1. Biewer, G. (University of Vienna, presenting), Luciak, M. (University of Vienna, co-author): Methodological challenges in comparing highly different countries and cultures – Developing adequate research approaches in Asia, Africa, and Europe

2. Kramann, M. (University of Vienna): Participation of children with disabilities, their parents, and teachers in a Viennese research study

3. Proyer, M. (University of Vienna , presenting), Sriwanyong, S. (Srinakharinwirot University, co-author): In quest of mutual understanding: Insights into the educational situation of children with disabilities in Bangkok 

4. Teklemariam, A. (Addis Ababa University, presenting), Schiemer, M. (University of Vienna, co-author): Research in Ethiopia: Exploring the situation of teachers of children with disabilities in different school settings

5. Teklemariam, A. (Addis Ababa University): Acoustic environments of schools and their effects on children’s hearing and learning in selected schools of Addis Ababa

AARE-APERA 2012 Poster-Presentation

Proyer, M. (University of Vienna): "Outlines of an International Research Project Investigating Cultural and Societal Factors Affecting Everyday School Life of Children with Disabilities in Bangkok"

AARE SIG: Inclusive Education; Session Type: Individual Papers
Chair: Michelle Proyer, University of Vienna

Proyer, M. (University of Vienna), Sriwanyong, S. (Srinakharinwirot University , co-author): Application of grounded theory in an international research context depicting everyday school life of children with disabilities – Experiences, problems and good practice from Bangkok

Symposium at European Conference on Educational Research - ECER 2012 “Access to education for Students with Disabilities in Cross-Cultural Perspective”, Cádiz, Spain, September 20, 2012

Chair: Mikael Luciak; Discussant: Lani Florian  


  1. Luciak, M.: Access to Education for Students with Disabilities in Cross-Cultural Perspective
  2. Schiemer, M./ Bekele Abdi, Y.: Mind the Gap…: Accessibility of Schools for Children with Disabilities in Addis Ababa
  3. Proyer, M./ (co-author, Sriwanyong, S.): “I Wish She Could Visit Our Local School…” - Selected Factors Influencing School Attendance of Children with Disabilities in Bangkok
  4. Kramann, M.: Parents’ Capabilities and Societal Attitudes - Influencing Variables Regarding Equal Access to Education of Children with Disabilities in Vienna

Proyer, M.: Factors Influencing the Coping and Caring of Parents of Children with Disabilities Attending Schools in Greater Bangkok. Presentation held as part of the Symposium Parents’ Hopes and Dreams for the Education of Disabled and Marginalised Children Explored through the Looking-Glass of Four Different Cultures at the ECER Conference, Cádiz, Spain, September 21 2012

Kramann M./ Proyer M./ Schiemer, M.: Critical consideration of  participation in three different educational environments - preliminary results from a research project focusing on children with disabilities. Presentation held at the ECER Preconference, Cádiz, Spain, September 17, 2012

Schiemer M./ Proyer M.: Education  for Children with Disabilities, their Participation and Relevance of Capabilities - Experiences  from an International Research Projec Involving Bangkok and Addis Ababa. Presentation at the HDCA Conference, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 5, 2012

Kramann M./ Schiemer M.: Classifications of Disability in the Field of Education (CLASDISA) Comparing Factors Influencing Participation and Activity of Children with Disabilities in Educational Environments in Austria, Ethiopia and Thailand. Presentation during an ICF workshop in Zürich with Judith Hollenweger PH Zurich January 26th and 27th 2012

Proyer, M.: Children with Disabilities in Greater Bangkok – Facilitators and Barriers for Inclusive Education. Presentation held at the 8th Biannual CESA Conference at Chulalongkhorn University Bangkok. July 10th 2012

Proyer, M.: Introducing Computer Based Analysis of Qualitative Data with ATLAS.ti - Examples from the International Research Project CLASDISA. Presentation held at SWU, Faculty of Education in the course of a workshop on qualitative data organized by Assoc. Prof. Ong Art Naiyapatana. June 30th 2012

Proyer, M.: CLASDISA - Insights into Field Research and Preliminary Findings. Presentation at AAU. May 23rd 2012

Proyer, M.:  Introducing Grounded Theory - Examples for its Application and Analysis from the International Research Project CLASDISA. Presentation held at AAU in the course of the workshop on qualitative research methods. May 16th 2012

Luciak, M./ Tirussew T.: Attitudes and beliefs about disability in cross-cultural perspective and their implications for inclusive educational practices. Symposium presentation, American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Conference, Vancouver, Canada, April 14, 2012

Schiemer M./ Proyer, M.: Field-work in Ethiopia and Thailand. Presentation during a research-seminar with Erich Otto Graf and Raphael Zahnd at IFE, University of Zurich April 4, 2012

Proyer M./ Reisenbauer S.: Reflecting Values of Inclusive Education. Lessons Learned from National Contexts in the South. Paper presented at the NERA Conference, Kopenhagen, March 9, 2012


Biewer, G.: Behinderungsbegriffe und Klassifikationen unter Berücksichtigung kultureller und gesellschaftlicher Aspekte. Paper presented at the lecture series "Der lange Weg zu einer inklusiven Gesellschaft - Schritte zur Unterstützung der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention", University of Graz, October 25, 2011

Schiemer M./ Proyer, M.: Inclusive education and common welfare in Ethiopia. Paper presented at "5. Österreichischen  Entwicklungstagung: Gemeinwohl entwickeln; Der Staat zwischen Gemeinschaft und Weltgesellschaft". Donauuniversität Krems im Rahmen des JunforscherInnenforums. Oktober 16. 2011

Proyer, M.: Educational Environments of Children with Disabilities in Bangkok . Paper presented at the Emerging Researchers’ Conference Berlin. Pre conference of ECER 2011: European Conference on Educational Research. September 12, 2011

Schiemer, M.: Education for children with disabilities in Addis Ababa/ Ethiopia. Paper presented at the Emerging Researchers’ Conference Berlin. Pre conference of ECER 2011: European Conference on Educational Research. September 12, 2011

Biewer, G./ Proyer. M./ Schiemer, M.: Barriers and facilitators in educational environments for children with disabilities – a comparative study in Vienna, Bangkok, and Addis Ababa. Paper presented at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER 2011). September 15, 2011

Proyer, M.: Die Norm als Ziel - Inklusion als Barriere?! Einblicke in die Rolle von Individualität im Schulalltag asiatischer Kinder mit Behinderung. Paper presented at    „5. Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik.“ Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. September 28, 2011

Schiemer, M.: Zur Bedeutung von Individuum und Gemeinschaft in einer fremden Kultur. Paper presented at „5. Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik“. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. September 28, 2011

Proyer, M.: Interviewtranskripte und Übersetzungen – Daten zweiter Klasse? Herausforderung im Vorfeld der qualitativen Analyse von Gesprächen über Einflussfaktoren auf die schulische Bildung von Kindern mit Behinderungen in Bangkok. Paper presented at „47. Arbeitstagung der Dozentinnen und Dozenten für Sonderpädagogik in deutschsprachigen Ländern“. Thema: Forschungskulturen im Diskurs. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. September 30, 2011

Kramann, M.: Capabilities behinderter Kinder im Bildungssystem. Paper presented at „47. Arbeitstagung der Dozentinnen und Dozenten für Sonderpädagogik in deutschsprachigen Ländern“. Thema: Forschungskulturen im Diskurs. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. September 30, 2011

Kramann, M.: Die Sichtweise behinderter Kinder in der Forschung. Paper presented at „47. Arbeitstagung der Dozentinnen und Dozenten für Sonderpädagogik in deutschsprachigen Ländern“. Thema: Forschungskulturen im Diskurs. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. September 30, 2011

Proyer, M.: Die Norm als Ziel – Inklusion als Barriere?! Einblicke in die Rolle von Individualität im Schulalltag asiatischer Kinder mit Behinderungen. Poster presented at „5. Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik“. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. September 28, 2011

Kramann, M.: Capabilities of children with disabilities in the field of education. Poster presented at „5. Symposium Internationale Heil- und Sonderpädagogik“. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany. September 28, 2011

Kramann, M./ Proyer. M./ Schiemer, M.: CLASDISA goes “Kinderuni”  The CLASDISA - project was presented to around 50 interested children during the ‘Summer University for Children’ at the University of Vienna on July 13, 2011 (PDF)

Schiemer, M.: Disability, Ability, Capability? Paper presented at European Educational Research Summer School "Writing educational research for international journal publications, conferences, book chapters and theses". University of Gothenburg, Sweden in collaboration with EERA. June 16, 2011.


Kramann, M./ Proyer. M./Schiemer, M.: Inklusion und die ICF-CY. Posterpresentation "46. Arbeitstagung der DozentInnen und Dozenten für Sonderpädagogik in deutschsprachigen Ländern", Universität Bielefeld, Germany. September 28, 2010

Proyer, M.: The CLASDISA Project. Public Presentation of CLASDISA at Srinakharinwirot University (SWU).Department for International Affairs, Bangkok, Thailand. July 16, 2010

Grenzen der Heilpädagogik Series of Lectures at the University of Vienna, April 19 - June 10, 2010 (PDF) (German)


Schiemer, M.: ICF - Instrument für eine interkulturell vergleichende Heilpädagogik? Paper presented at the "45. Arbeitstagung der Dozentinnen und Dozenten der Sonderpädagogik in deutschsprachigen Ländern". Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany. October 1 - 3, 2009

Schiemer, M.: The ICF - Instrument for Intercultural Comparative Research?
Paper presented at the "First International Conference on Educational Research for Development". Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. May 13 - 15, 2009

Classifications of disabilities in the field of education
Department of Education
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